Create a poll

Click on the bottom-right floating button to display the voting templates


Create a permissioned poll

Permissioned poll creates a poll with allowed voters. Only the creator of the poll can choose who can vote


  1. Add a question
  2. Add dates from and to
  3. Add at minimum 1 option
  4. Add voters :
  • individual voter : add an address, one by one
  • bakers delegatees : add all baker delegatees from a baker address
  • Import CSV file : add all addresses from the CSV (comma separated, only 1 column)
  • add my delegatees (baker only) : import all my delegatees

Once all fields are filled, you can click on top-right CREATE button

Create a baker poll

Anyone can create a baker poll but only bakers will be allowed to vote on it. For the final result, ballot weight is relative to baker's total stake


  1. Add a question
  2. Select a Tezos voting period. Your poll will stick to it, so the end date is an estimation
  3. Add at minimum 1 option

Once all fields are filled, you can click on top-right CREATE button

You don't need to specified bakers addresses, it is automatically filtered by the smart contract in case voter is not a baker